Closer to reality

The dummies of Jummy jump, creating a situation like in a match for both the goalkeeper and the shooter.

Saving time

Jummy is ready for use within one minute and can be pushed from one position to another quickly.




Motivating for users

One player shoots, the other controls Jummy. This creates a competition situation that provides fun.

Increase of efficiency

The training is more realistic and the shooters train voluntarily and therefore more often.

Level up your free-kicks!

The social media group "Shoot for Love" has done a test of different free-kick walls and published the results in a video. See the clip here in which JUMMY is used. The full video is available on YouTube. The test was performed by free-kick specialist

Hakan Çalhanoğlu

Thursday, 6.23 pm...

Free kick drills with wall mannequins. Stiff, immobile, boring. Usually plain, made from wood, aluminium or plastic. Realistic? Not at all.

A new player. Jummy enters the game.

The mission: Optimize the free kick and improve upon the kicking technique.

Final score:

Free kick drills 2.0 – Jummy – The next level.

JUMMY is the “Jumping Dummy”. Compared to traditional wall mannequins, our unique football training system offers a much more realistic look and a ‘jump function’: A software controls jumping movements in the wall and imitates a realistic situation the player would find in a match. Jummy is the new word for a jumping free-kick wall.

Run up, shoot – the “opponent” jumps.

Jummy is a great way for a soccer player to optimize their free kick technique:

The free kicks become more precise and much more dangerous for the other team.

Mission accomplished. As we say:


Jummy - the jumping free-kick wall

The SC Freiburg already uses Jummy. The

following Video shows Jummy in action.

"The ultimate Jummy-Challenge".

What Jummy is not

Jummy does not have cameras and does not offer analysis functions. Separate systems and software are required for this. Jummy can be used in addition to such systems.

What Jummy is

Jummy is a free kick wall whose dummies can imitate a realistic-looking jump. It is ideally suited for training situations where the opposing team would block a shot, such as free kicks, crosses or corners.

Jummy can quickly and flexibly extend an existing training environment. Existing analysis systems can easily be reused.

Jummy is an all-in-one training aid that can simply be pushed to the desired location. Jummy is completely battery-powered and therefore self-sufficient.

Setting up Jummy is as easy as can be: attach dummies at the desired height, push to the desired location, switch on, done.

Jummy perfectly fits into any environment.

Any questions? Contact us right now!

Closer to perfection, shot by shot.

Choose your JUMMY package now.


Billy Wingrove (F2 Freestylers) has tested JUMMY extensively in London. Afterwards Billy gave his feedback.

Strong Partners of JUMMY

Comparison of JUMMY-Packages

Jummy empowers your free-kick training. Choose your Jummy package and start your rental now.


Best option for testing Jummy in a short term.

rental period of 1 month
available on request
Jummy type depending on availability
battery (60 minutes runtime)
radio remote control
useable in the rain
access to instruction videos
on-site introduction
on-site support while first usage
spare battery (60 minutes runtime)
travel cost included


Best option for using Jummy within a manageable term.

rental period of 6 months
available immediately
Jummy type selectable
battery (60 minutes runtime)
radio remote control
useable in the rain
access to instruction videos
on-site introduction
on-site support while first usage
spare battery (60 minutes runtime)
travel cost included


Best option for long-term usage of Jummy.

rental period of 12 months
available immediately
Jummy type selectable
battery (60 minutes runtime)
radio remote control
useable in the rain